Grace and peace to the people of God. It is good for us to be here.
This summer has been extremely busy for everyone. Lots of vacationing, lots of rain and plenty of heat, but the bible says, “all is well”.
We will soon be getting ready for back to school and prayer for our children.
Christi and her team have kept the youth busy this summer and we thank you so much. Our youth will definitely have a foundation to stand on when they become older and go out into the world. Again, thanks to the entire youth and family team.
The Wednesday bible class is going strong. I encourage you to take time out of your day to join us at noon every Wednesday and we identify Christ in the Old Testament.
Revelation 2:25 tells us…
But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.
So we are encouraged to lock on to our faith until Jesus comes to gather His church because he is coming back to get his church and we are the church. Let us hold on tight to our faith.
Until next time may the Lord God bless you and your families.
In His Service,
Pastor Marjorie McDaniel