Christmas Eve Service 2019

Oh Come Let Us Adore Him!

Come join us to celebrate the Miracle of Christmas, the birth of a baby, the hope of the world.

Pre-Service music including a variety of musical styles and musicians will begin at 6:30 PM.

The candlelight Service of Holy Communion will begin at 7:00 PM.

Come as you are. All are welcome.

Holy Week 2022

Holy Week 2022 begins with Palm Sunday, April 10th with our normal schedule of worship services.

On Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, we will worship at 7:00 pm.

On Easter Sunday, April 17th, we will have a single worship service, beginning at 10:00 AM, with special music before the service beginning at about 9:30.

A brunch and Easter Egg hunt will be held in the Fellowship Hall immediately following worship.

Living Last Supper 2018

First Lutheran Church presents “The Living Last Supper”, a chancel drama, twice on Palm Sunday, March 25, 2018, at 4:00 and 7:00 pm. The afternoon option has been offered for people who are hesitant to drive after dark and for families with with school age children.

The Living Last Supper reviews the night Jesus Christ was betrayed from the perspective of Jesus’ twelve disciples, bringing to life the famous painting by Leonardo DaVinci. With references to the Biblical narratives and ancient church traditions, twelve brief monologues explore each disciple’s thoughts and emotions. Each disciple shares his own experiences with Jesus as he ponders if he could be the one to betray his master, asking “Is it I?”

The presentation ends each night with an invitation to receive Holy Communion. Communion at First Lutheran is always open to all God’s people, regardless of church background. (Young children may come forward to receive a blessing.)

Thirteen men from First Lutheran Church present this drama, supported by many men and women working on costumes, sound, lighting, and refreshments. Participating in this drama has prompted many cast members to study the disciples further. One member, Terry Trautman, has used his writing skills to prepare a summary about each disciple, a collection gathered from a variety of sources. Attendees will be given a copy of his booklet after the presentation.

We pray that this drama will help you better see how Jesus changed the lives of ordinary people and worked through those ordinary people to change the world.

Lent 2022

Lent (from the Old English word for “spring”) is a time of reflection, repentance, and renewal. In ancient times, baptism was frequently celebrated around Easter, after candidates experienced a period of training and instruction. This grew into Lent, when all Christians are invited to reflect upon their faith, confess their ongoing need of God, and submit to the Holy Spirit’s renewal in each of our lives.

We are glad to be able to resume our weekly worship services this year. We will meet every Wednesday in Lent at 7:00 in the church sanctuary. There will not be live streaming of this service.

If you are not able to join us in person, we encourage you to find ways to ponder the miracle of the freedom and new life Jesus gives to all. Find on-line resources that speak to you. Sing songs. Read the Bible.

God loves you. Share his love….from a safe distance

Chili Cook-Off Saturday January 27

First Lutheran Church shares our finest cooks with our community in a chili cook-off on Saturday, January 27, 2018, from 5:00-7:00 pm.

All are welcome to come enjoy a variety of chili styles. There is no cost for this event.

Everyone is always welcome at First Lutheran Church!

Christmas Eve 2017

First Lutheran offers multiple opportunities to celebrate the gift of grace on Christmas Eve 2017.

Sunday morning (the Fourth Sunday of Advent), FLC worships on our usual schedule. Our classic service (with a fuller liturgy, pipe organ, and choir) meets at 8:45 am, followed by our casual worship (with a relaxed liturgy and praise band) at 11:15 am.

We celebrate Christ’s birth with a Sunday evening service for Christmas Eve. Music (highlighting a variety of styles, both instrumental and vocal) begins at 6:30 pm, followed by worship beginning at 7:00 pm.

Communion will be shared at all services. Everyone is always welcome to celebrate Jesus with us!

(Sunday School does not meet during the school’s Christmas break.)

Soles for Santa 2017

FLC again partners with Sans Souci for a “Soles for Santa” drive. Through Sunday, December 17, FLC will collect new children’s shoes. Shoes may be left in the narthex.

Sans Souci will handle distribution; therefore, please do NOT wrap them!

Hate the thought of shopping? A cash or check donation (made to FLC and designated “Soles for Santa”) is more than welcome, and FLC’s Social Ministries Team will shop for you.

See a member of the Social Ministries Team if you have any questions.

Advent Worship 2017

Advent (which simply means “coming”) is a season of preparation and reflection, getting our hearts and our world ready for the many ways in which God continues to come to us.

First Lutheran invites everyone to spend extra time meditating and praying with us during the Wednesday nights of Advent (December 6, 13, and 20). We’ll gather for a light dinner at 6:00 pm, and convene in the sanctuary for worship at 7:00 pm.

Contact the Fellowship Team if you’d like to help with the dinners.

Sunday morning worship will follow our usual schedule, 8:45 am (classic) and 11:15 am (casual). Watch this site for more details about our special Christmas Eve evening worship!

Feed My Starving Children 2017

FLC will again be a part of Feed My Starving Children’s food packing event at Asbury United Methodist Church on Saturday, September 9, from 2:00-4:00 pm.

Churches from all around our community come together to pack food that will offer basic nutrition to families around the world in need from famine or disaster. Children through adults are welcome.

Asbury UMC is located at 1751 27th Street in Columbus, near the ambulance station on Central.

FLC has committed to provide 20 packers for this event. Sign up by contacting our Director of Youth Ministries, Jimmy Collins, or by following this link:

FLC is also collecting funds to help pay for the food. Last year, we collected just over $2900; this year, let’s see if we can top $3000. Make the check to FLC, designated to FMSC.

More information about the Feed My Starving Children ministry is available at the FMSC web site,

(The August event at Sandy Hook United Methodist Church is a separate event.)

See Jimmy if you have any other questions.

Wednesday Outdoor Lunch for Kids

On Wednesdays through July 26, First Lutheran Church hosts a lunch for neighborhood school and pre-school children. FLC is located at 3600 25th Street, near the neighborhoods of Richards and Smith schools.

Each Wednesday, food and a variety of games will be shared from 11:30 am until 1:00 pm. Come enjoy the warmth of summer with us and with our neighbors!