Easter Sunday 2017

Celebrate the new life Jesus offers each and every person with FLC on Easter Sunday, April 16, 2017. Through his resurrection, Jesus declared victory over sin and death, and invites all to a new life of God’s grace.

On Easter Sunday, we come together for one worship service at 9:00 am (with music before the service). We share in brunch together afterward, and end the morning with an Easter egg hunt for children and a scavenger hunt for everyone.

All are welcome to celebrate Jesus with First Lutheran Church in Columbus!

Living Last Supper Holy Week 2017

First Lutheran Church presents “The Living Last Supper”, a chancel drama, three times during Holy Week: Palm Sunday, April 9; Wednesday, April 12; and Maundy Thursday, April 13. Each presentation begins at 7:00 pm.

The Living Last Supper reviews the night Jesus Christ was betrayed from the perspective of Jesus’ twelve disciples. With references to the Biblical narratives and ancient church traditions, twelve brief monlogues explore each disciple’s thoughts and emotions. Each disciple shares his own experiences with Jesus as he ponders if he could be the one to betray his master.

The presentation ends each night with an invitation to receive Holy Communion. Communion at First Lutheran is always open to all God’s people, regardless of church background. (Young children may come forward to receive a blessing.)

Thirteen men from First Lutheran Church present this drama, supported by many men and women working on costumes, sound, lighting, and refreshments.

We pray that this drama will help you better see how Jesus changed the lives of ordinary people and worked through those ordinary people to change the world.

Lent 2017

Lent (from the Old English word for “spring”) is a time of reflection, repentance, and renewal. In ancient times, baptism was frequently celebrated around Easter, after candidates experienced a period of training and instruction. This grew into Lent, when all Christians are invited to reflect upon their faith, confess their ongoing need of God, and submit to the Holy Spirit’s renewal in each of our lives.

First Lutheran observes Lent with a series of Wednesday evening reflective worship service. For 2017, these begin on Ash Wednesday, March 1, at 7:00 pm. Participants are invited to receive a small cross of ashes on their forehead or hand. Each Wednesday thereafter during Lent, we’ll gather for simple meditation and reflection, preparing our congregation for the Easter celebration of Christ’s resurrection.

Community Hot Meals

On Wednesday evenings during February, First Lutheran Church provides the Community Hot Meals for Love Chapel. Meals are served from 5:00-6:00 pm at the Love Chapel Kitchen on Center Street in Columbus.

You can help prepare part of the meal, serve dinner to guests, or both. Contact the FLC office to sign up.