“So the last will be first, and the first will be last” (Matt 20:16), is the last verse in today’s Gospel reading. What a radical concept! What if the first place medal and prizes in today’s marathon here in Columbus went to the last person over the finish line? What if the last place team in baseball or football (or whatever sport you follow) went to the championship? I expect there would be uproar, and a whole set of rules changes.
But Jesus saw the world differently. He saw value in everyone. Even those in last place. Especially those in last place. Do you?
In today’s Gospel readings, Jesus tells his disciples, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them” (Matt 18:20). He’s with us today too. Here. Now. Did you catch his smile in that of an old friend? Did you feel his love in a hug?
In Romans 12:21 Paul writes “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good”. Evil really doesn’t understand good. Evil thinks good is weak, spineless. But good has the ultimate superhero on its side, the Triune God. And with God, all things are possible.
In this week’s Gospel we hear the story of Peter trying to walk on the water. He was successful for a few steps, then got frightened by the reality of what was around him and started to sink. But Jesus reached out his hand and saved him.
Are you in over your head with anything? Do you feel like you’re sinking? Jesus is there for you too.
With the new school year starting in Columbus and the surrounding area, we pray for all students, teachers, aides, bus drivers, school staff, and everyone working to educate our next generation. We pray for a safe and productive school year for all.