Once again we approach the stable where the newborn infant Savior sleeps in a lowly manger. We add our praises to those of the Angels and the Shepherds and the Wise Men.
The words of the angel Gabriel to Mary ring true today just as they did so long ago, “For nothing will be impossible with God.” As we look forward with hope to the end of this pandemic, to being able one day soon to gather together with friends and family, we hold fast to those words.
On this 3rd Sunday in Advent we hear the words of John the Baptist telling those who asked who he was, “I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord'”.
This week find a quiet place in your life and listen for the voice of the Lord. Listen for His words of Love. Of Peace. Of Comfort. Of Hope.
In this week’s readings we hear again the story of John the Baptist, preparing the way for the coming of Jesus. As we continue through our Advent journey, we look for ways to help others through a phone call, a food donation, even a family Zoom meeting. We live in strange times. But the never ending love of our Lord is surpassing strange and exceedingly wonderful.
As we begin this year’s Advent journey, we remember the words of St. Paul in today’s second reading 1 Cor. 1:4, “I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that has been given you in Christ Jesus.”
We give thanks to all those caring for the sick and caring for those in need. God bless you all.
Today is Christ the King Sunday, the final Sunday on the liturgical calendar. We celebrate Christ’s kingdom on heaven and on earth, as he reigns in our hearts and minds.
The readings and announcements for this week are here:
Unfortunately, there will be no video of the Second Service this week. Hopefully that will be available again next week.
As we gather this week for Thanksgiving, either in person or virtually, please take a moment to give thanks for all the blessings in your life. Sometimes, like in these trying times, they are harder to see clearly. But they are there.
As we approach the end of another church year and calendar year, we look ahead to the promise of better times, of new beginnings, of eternal life in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Here are the Readings and Announcements for this Sunday, November 15th, the 24th Sunday after Pentecost.
Unfortunately there will be no live streaming of our Second worship service for the next two weeks. We look forward to being able to bring our Praise Service back to you at that time.
We pray for all those battling the Covid virus, all those supporting the sick, all those mourning the loss of friends and family members, and all medical personnel and those on the front lines of the fight.
Even in these dark days there are sources of light. Be one of those lights to someone in your world this week. Keep hope alive. Keep your lamps trimmed and burning.
Today is All Saint’s Day, when we remember all those we have lost this year on this earthly journey. We find comfort in knowing that our Heavenly Father knows our pain and holds us tight in His Love.
Here are the Readings and Announcements for this week.
Hello Everyone, it is Sunday, October 25th, Reformation Sunday.
On October 31st, 1517 Martin Luther lit the spark which became the Protestant Reformation. We are the keepers of that flame in the world, passed down from generation to generation. We stand for freedom of thought, of speech, of religion. We raise the torch to light the darkened corners of this world and bring God’s love and peace to those who need it most. We are re-formed everyday by and through the Holy Spirit.