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Pastor's Pen (Page 27)

From the Pastor’s Desk:                                                       

Journey with us to Calvary.  This is the title of my series for the next four weeks leading up to the Resurrection.  We will walk with Jesus all the way to Golgotha.   Perhaps you never envisioned his journey, his pain and his suffering.  Perhaps you have not envisioned his mother at the foot of the cross, weeping for her son, perhaps you have not imagined what it was like for the disciples to see, who they knew to be the Christ, mistreated, abused and eventually crucified on the cross for you.  But when we take time to walk with him we will be able even the more to understand why this happened.  All this happened for you, for you to see God’s grace and mercy for a sinful world.  And it is so.

In addition, during this season of Lent let us reflect on everything we need to ask God to deliver us out of and everything not like Him that we need to be purged of.  Let us reflect on Psalm 51 in its entirety and see how David acknowledged his sin, repented but had to suffer the consequences.  Yet he understood God’s punishment and did not fault God.

Going forward, there are a lot of activities coming up here at First Lutheran.  This congregation is always busy, either with the children, the men and of course the women.  So please be mindful of everything and as I used to hear in my home church, “govern yourselves accordingly” 😊.

Peace and blessings to you all and your families and my this season of Lent cause us ALL to reflect, repent and rejoice.

In His Service

Pastor Marjorie McDaniel